
Foreign Trips : AAC wants public announcement, details of Ayade's trips

The Cross River State Chapter of the African Action Congress (AAC) has asked Govervnor Ben Ayade to always inform the public any time he plans to embark on any foreign trip.

AAC in a statement by its State Chairman, Agba Jalingo also called on the Govervnor to publicize full details of his trips to include the cost, those he's traveling with as well as how long he in terms to stay away from the state.

Recall that Governor shortly after his swearing-in embarked on an investment trip to Norway where he was set to be meeting investors in an Economic Summit.

But the party has however maintained that the should keep the public whom he is accountable to informed of details of his trips outside the state.

Accoriding to the statement "AAC has observed that the State Governor,  Senator Ben Ayade in his avowed bid to look for foreign investors, just consistently hops into flights and depart the country at the slightest prompting, without properly informing his  employers, the people of Cross River State.

The Governor recently returned from an unannounced trip to Taipei in Taiwan for his 
inauguration for second term and seven days after the swearing in, he was spotted in Oslo, 
Norway where social media speculations say he went for "business conferences." It is trite to 
also note that these unannounced journeys were also a signature in his first term.

In case the Governor is forgetting, he needs to be reminded that he was hired by Cross River 
electorates who have every right to know the details of his incessant travels.

Information available to our party suggests that the Governor's latest sojourn in Norway may 
stretch for weeks. Apart from the Constitutional requirement of writing to inform the State  House of Assembly, which was still in session before he travelled, there is also need to inform his employers, on whose expense he is travelling, of where he is going, what he is going for, who is going with him, how long the trip will last and when they should be expected back in the country".

The statement added that "This will enable the good people of Cross River, who pay for these trips, to keep track of the Governor's travels and ensure they get value for their money. That idea of just jumping into the next plane to travel and see an investor you just finished talking with on phone doesn't speak well of an employee who has signed scores of MoUs with foreign investors that are yet to take 

We demand that the Governor informs not just the House of Assembly when next he is 
travelling, details of such travels must also be made available to Cross Riverians ahead of time".
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