
Nigeria will experience historic power generation, transmission in 2021 - Minister

Honourable Minister of State, Power, Mr. Goddy Jedy Agba 

Despite the remarkable improvement in power supply  under the President Muhammadu Buhari, the Honourable Minister of State, Power, Mr. Goddy Jedy Agba has asked Nigerians to expect more from the government next year.

Agba in a statement by his Special Assistant on Media and Communications Strategy, Mr. Ofem Uket assured that
by the second quarter of 2021, the country will experience the highest ever power generation and transmission.

He maintained that the Power Sector Reforms of the Federal Government is aggressively addressing the challenges of instability in the supply of electricity.

According to the statement: "under this administration, the Nation has recorded successes in the power sector through major interventions. Some of the benefiting states so far, include Lagos, Oyo, Osun. Edo , Ebonyi, Benue, Kano, Kaduna, Bauchi, Niger and some satellite towns within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)".

He added that "the present administration has provided an improved electricity supply to both Urban and Rural areas across the states of the federation. This is in response to the policy trust of creating employment through improved supply of electricity for artisans like welders, mechanics, factories, industries, small and medium scale enterprises and our institutions of higher learning".

On his contribution to improve electricity in his home state, the Minister revealed that, under his watch, the federal government through the ministry of power have embarked on several projects including restoring power supply to Bekwarra local government area that has been in darkness for about six years.

He also revealedin  that work is ongoing to provide improved power supply other parts of the state including Utanga, Amana, Bottom Hill and others all in Obanliku local government area.

Agba further disclosed that apart from ensuring improved power supply in Calabar metropolis, he has seen to the completion of borehole projects in Ukeme, Yache, and Gabu in Yala local government as well as Utugwang and Betukwel in Obudu local government.

"Greater attention is focused in the rural areas where advantage is taken of the emerging alternative energy sources in Nigeria; particularly the hybrid solar mini- grid systems. In Cross River State, for instance, there was no electricity in Bekwara Local Government for six years, and today the area is enjoying steady supply of electricity. 

We have ensured steady power supply in Calabar. In Cross River North, some areas far away from the National Grid are being provided with the solar mini Grid electricity. Currently, a solar mini Grid project is ongoing at the Bottom Hill of the Obudu Ranch Resorts with the intention of providing electricity to the people of Bottom Hill, Agbakoko, Belinge, and Amana. These are places linking up the great tourists attractions in the Obudu Ranch Resorts", the statement reads in part.

Continuing, he added that "arrangements with the Japanese Consortium, JAICA, for the electrification of Utanga and the Ranch have concluded. The Japanese have already dropped the relevant work materials but they have been unable to come because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic".

The Minister pledged to remain committed to ensuring that the supply of electricity in rural and urban areas are regularized to boost economic growth and production capacity of manufacturing industries, small and medium scale enterprises, to determine a corresponding growth in the Gross Domestic Product GDP.
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