AI and Education: How Ready Are We?
By Dr. Elizabeth Nji
As we celebrate the International Education Day 2025, we are once again reminded of the importance of Education as a fundamental human right and a driving force for peace and development.
In my daily interactions with people in my local community, I an reminded about the role of education in advancing communities and a liberating force that propels individuals to be "MORE".
This years' theme for the International Education Day is "AI and Education: Preserving Human Agency in a world of Automation". While this is a topical issue in the world today, it is also interesting to say that it will take many communities between 5-10 years from now to arrive at the point where this statement is considered topical.
There's no doubt that incorporating AI technology in teaching and learning has the ability to enhance learning outcomes which makes education and studying more fun and interactive. However, there are also the negative effects that this may have if the right actions are not put in place, specifically in Low and Middle income countries like ours.
A question begs to be answered, "will the adoption of AI make or mar the teaching and learning process in Africa"? while the former should be the correct answer given the many benefits of AI, the latter seems to pose a real issue of concern to our educators, institutions and governments alike.
- What strategies will be put in place to ensure the responsible use of AI by our students?
- What infrastructure will be provided to ensure access to these technologies at all times and across our communities?
- What measures of integration will be put in place to ensure the adoption and acceptance of AI technologies in our communities?
- And how willing are we to adopt these technologies and utilize them in a way that benefits our society?
- But most importantly will our governments be ready to invest in these technologies especially in our rural communities where social infrastructure such as electricity is still a dream far from reality for most communities.
While these questions beg for answers, one thing is certain - the world is moving at a fast pace and we are approaching a time where your lack of knowledge of modern technology may keep you out of work. HOW READY ARE WE?
Happy International Education Day 2025.
Elizabeth Nji, Ph.D is the Founder, Nenbel-Aid Development Foundation