
30,000 Cameroun refugees living in Cross River - Ayade

Gov. Ben Ayade

By Kingsley Agim 

Cross River State Governor, Sen. Ben Ayade has disclosed that more than 30,000 Cameroun refugees are currently living in the state.

Ayade said this in a goodwill message on the occasion of the 47th Anniversary celebration of National Unity of the Republic of Cameroun organized by the Cameroonian Consulate on Monday, 20th May, 2019 at the Venetian Arena, Murtala Muhammed Highway, Calabar.

He maintained that the refugees are enjoying amazing hospitality from their hosts as attested to by the Country Director, UN Committee on Refugees in the spirit of seamless Africanism.

The Governor who was represented by the Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Mrs. RoseMary Archibong, said Africa, in spite of its diversity, shares a common humanity and brotherhood.

While hailing the Republic of Cameroun for her commitment in the fight against terrorism, he expressed delight in the choice of the 2019 anniversary’s theme – ‘Unity in Diversity’, adding that it has brought Africans  to terms with recalibrating Africa to its pride of place in the comity of continents.

He said his administration has been on the forefront of re-telling the African story through its internationally acclaimed Calabar Carnival International Festival, adding that Africans must begin to see themselves as equal to other races and equip themselves to compete internationally in every human endeavour.

He congratulated Cameroun President, Paul Biya on his victory at the polls and wished the Republic of Cameroon many fruitful years of peaceful existence.

In his speech, the Cameroun Consul to Nigeria, Mr. Onana Patrice thanked Cross River State for its hospitability, especially during the recent refugee crisis in Cameroun.

Mr. Patrice reminded Camerounians that there is no meaningful development without peace and unity, which had given rise to the theme of this year’s anniversary celebration, pointing out that “unity in diversity constitutes a major access to achieve an emerging Cameroon by 2035.”

The Consul also noted that the diversity of the Cameroon nation should serve as a source of wealth and not a yardstick for separatism, conveying the Cameroonian Head of State’s (Paul Biya) message of "mutual forgiveness," as "the only strategy to achieve lasting peace in Cameroon."
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